November 2019

বাজ পাখী প্রায় ৭০ বছর বাচে,কিন্তু ৪০ আসতেই ওকে একটা
গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে হয়। ওই সময়
তার শরীরের তিনটি প্রধান অঙ্গ দুর্বল
হয়ে পড়ে।।।

১. থাবা ( পায়ের নখ) লম্বা ও নরম হয়ে
যায়। শিকার করা প্রায় অসম্ভব হয়ে

২. ঠোঁট টা সামনের দিকে মুড়ে
যায়। ফলে খাবার খুটে বা ছিড়ে
খাওয়া প্রায় বন্ধ হয়ে যায়।

৩. ডানা ভারী হয়ে যায় এবং
বুকের কাছে আটকে যাওয়ার দরুন
উড়ান সীমিত হয়ে যায়।

ফলস্বরুপ শিকার খোজা,ধরা ও খাওয়া
তিনটেই ধীরে ধীরে মুশকিল হয়ে
ওর কাছে তিনটে পথ খোলা থাকে।

১. আত্নহত্যা
২. শকুনের মত মৃতদেহ খাওয়া
৩. নিজকে পুনরস্থাপিত করা।

ও একটা উচু পাহাড়ে আশ্রয় নেয়,
সেখানে বাসা বাঁধে আর শুরু করে
নতূন প্রচেষ্টা।
সে প্রথমে তার ঠোঁট টা পাথরে
মেরে মেরে ভেঙে ফেলে, এর
থেকে যন্ত্রণা আর হয় না।একইরকম
ভাবে নখ গুলো ভেঙে ফেলে আর
অপেক্ষা করে নতূন নখ ও ঠোঁট

নখ ও ঠোঁট গজালে ও ওর ডানার সমস্ত
পালক গুলো ছিড়ে ফেলে।। কষ্ট সহ্য
করে অপেক্ষা করতে থাকে নতূন

১৫০ দিনের যন্ত্রণা ও প্রতীক্ষার পর
সে সব নতূন করে পায়।
এরপর সে আরো ৩০ বছর জীবিত থাকে
আগের মত শক্তি নিয়ে।।

ইচ্ছা ,সক্রিয়তা আমাদের
দুর্বল হয়ে পড়ে ৪০ আসতেই
অর্ধজীবনেই আমাদের উৎসাহ,
আকাঙ্খা, শক্তি কমে যায়।

১৫০ দিন না হলেও ১মাসও যদি আমরা
চেষ্টা করি তাহলে আবার আমরা
পাবো নতূন উদ্যম, অভিজ্ঞতা ও
অন্তহীন শক্তি।।।
নিজেকে কখনোই হারাতে দেবেন
না আর হার ও মানবেন না!!!!

The Eagle bird is about 70 years old, but he's got one. Important decisions have to be taken. At that time Three main organs in his body are weak It's done.

1. The claw (foot nails) is long and soft Go. Hunting is almost impossible to read it.

2. The lips are folded forward. Go. So, the food is cut or torn The food stops.

3. The wings become heavy and Because of them stuck in the chest Flights are limited. Hunting, hunting and feeding All three are slowly getting into trouble. Read it. He has three paths open.

1. Self-killing
2. Eating a body like a scorpion
3. Restoring himself.

He takes refuge in a high mountain. He built a house there and started. A little effort. He's the first to rock his lips. He killed him and broke it. It's not a pain. same He broke his nails and Waiting for the new nails and lips To grow. Nails and lips, and all of his wings. He's tearing the feathers. To endure the pain He waits for the next The shepherd.
After 150 days of pain and waiting, He gets all the way down. Then he lived for another 30 years. With the same strength as before. Desire, activity, our Weak 40 We're excited about half our lives, Desire, power, and energy are diminished.

* If we don't have 150 days, we'll be in a month. We'll try again. I'll get a new experience, experience, and Endless power. Never let yourself lose No, and don't lose!!!

In some ways, programming is like riding a bike. You’re not going to forget how to write code if you don’t do it for a while. On the other hand, it’s a skill that takes plenty of practice to learn and even more to maintain.
Whether you’re a relative newcomer to the world of programming or a seasoned veteran, practice makes perfect. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of coding apps to help you stay on top of your game by coding wherever you are.

1. Enki

You can almost think of Enki the same way you would an exercise app. It provides you with daily workouts, but here you’re leveling up your coding skills instead of burning fat and building muscle. Simply select your language of choice and the app will keep you on track.
The app supports everyone from beginners to more experienced coders. If you’re just starting off, you can use the app to learn web technologies before moving on to JavaScript. It doesn’t just teach you how to program either. Enki also helps you learn subjects related to programming like using the Linux command line and managing version control with Git.
Enki is free to use, but an optional subscription adds premium features like additional workouts. This is fairly standard among programming apps, but with Enki, you’ll learn plenty without paying a dime.
Download: Enki for Android | iOS (Free)

2. Grasshopper

Unlike some of the other coding apps on this list that feature multiple languages, Grasshopper sticks to one: JavaScript. This makes sense as not only is JavaScript relatively easy to learn, but it’s also used for a wide range of applications.
You start off very basic by learning the fundamentals before moving on to more advanced concepts and language features. As you progress you’ll even use the D3 data visualization library to show off your skills with graphics. The Grasshopper team is always adding new courses, so you shouldn’t have to worry about running out of learning material.
To ensure you stick with it, Grasshopper motivates you to log in every day. Other apps like Todoist have used this in the past, and while it won’t motivate everyone, it could be just what you need to keep you going. At least for now, this app is entirely free with no in-app purchases.
Download: Grasshopper for Android | iOS (Free)

3. SoloLearn

SoloLearn main menu
One of the best “learn to code” apps on this list, SoloLearn earns major points for the sheer amount of learning material. Most of the other multi-language coding apps listed offer a few languages at best. SoloLearn, on the other hand, boasts impressive language support, including C, C++, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Swift, and more.
Like some of the other apps on this list, SoloLearn uses gamification to encourage you to stick with it. You’ll earn skill points and achievements while you level up your progress no matter how you learn. If you’re more competitive, you can compete with other learners around the world for a more intense challenge.
Much of SoloLearn is free to use, but not all of it. For $6.99 per month or $47.99 per year, you can subscribe to SoloLearn PRO. This removes advertisements and adds features, like the ability to set learning goals and view personalized insights about your learning.
Download: SoloLearn for Android | iOS (Free)

4. Codeacademy Go

Longtime readers may be surprised to see this app on this list. After all, in the past, we’ve told you why you shouldn’t learn to code with Codecademy. While our criticism is still valid, it could also be leveled at most of the apps on this list. As long as you keep that in mind, Codecademy Go is a great way to take the service on the go.
Why You Shouldn't Learn to Code With Codeacademy Why You Shouldn't Learn to Code With CodeacademyWhat's wrong with Codecademy? For those who want to learn coding, the instructional site is one of the best to begin with. But does Codecademy teach you to think like a coder?
This is an especially useful app if you’re already a Codecademy user. This app takes the courses and challenges from the website and presents them in app form. It’s very much a “does what it says on the tin” sort of app, but that’s not a bad thing.
The app is entirely free, with no in-app purchases. That can’t be said for Codecademy’s services as a whole, but it’s nice that you don’t have to worry about paying extra for the app.
Download: Codecademy Go for Android | iOS (Free)

5. Hopscotch

Hopscotch app
Judging by the marketing surrounding the app, you might think Hopscotch is meant just for kids. Its name in the iOS App Store is even “Hopscotch Coding for Kids.” While it’s certainly kid-friendly, don’t let that chase you away. This is more than an app for children.
Looking at the FAQ on the Hopscotch website, the app is suitable for all ages. The developers say that while it’s designed for people aged 7 to 13, 18 year-olds and even college students are learning with it as well.
While other apps focus on the fundamentals first, Hopscotch aims to have you hit the ground running. The goal is to have you creating apps or games within minutes. This can teach you the basic concepts of coding before you head for the deep end.
Unfortunately, the app is limited for the time being, as right now it’s iOS-only. The wording on the website hints that Android and/or browser support may come in the feature, but there’s no ETA so far. On the upside, there are plenty of other Android programming apps.
The app itself is free, but for continued use of premium features, you’ll need to pay the $7.99 monthly fee.
Download: Hopscotch for iOS (Free)

6. Encode

Encode offers JavaScript, Python, HTML, and CSS making it a good choice if you’re looking to learn coding for web development.
Whether you’re using Android or iOS, Encode makes coding easier by including a shortcut bar with symbols often used in coding. This saves you from having to search through your keyboard searching for different bracket symbols. The app is a few years old, and while it isn’t as popular as some others, it’s definitely worth a look.
For a while, some users avoided Encode since it was Android-only. Now there is an iOS version, so you can use it regardless of your platform of choice. The app is free to download, with a $4.99 in-app purchase for Encode Plus, which unlocks more lessons and challenges.

How to Convert Presentations from PowerPoint to Google Slides

If you often use Google Slides for your presentations and you receive a PowerPoint template or presentation, you’ll need to convert it to a different format. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to convert your presentation from PowerPoint to Google Slides step by step. 

Converting a PowerPoint Presentation into a Google Slides Presentation

  • Select the PowerPoint file and import it into your Google Drive account. To do so, click New → File upload. Then locate the file in your computer and click Open. As an alternative, you can drag the file directly to your browser.

Importing a PowerPoint file into Google Drive
Importing a PowerPoint file into Google Drive

  • Once the file has been uploaded, double-click it.

Double-clicking the file
Double-clicking the file

  • Click Open with and choose Google Slides.

Opening the file with Google Slides
Opening the file with Google Slides

  • Your PowerPoint presentation will open in Google Slides. You can edit it and use it just like any Google Slides presentation. You’ll notice that some fonts might have changed, however.
  • Even though you can work with this PowerPoint presentation as if it were a Google Slides presentation, you might want to have it as a Google Slides file. To do so, click File → Save as Google Slides. Once done, a copy of this presentation will be created.

Saving as a Google Slides presentation
Saving as a Google Slides presentation

Importing a PowerPoint Presentation into Google Slides

  • Create a new blank presentation in Google Slides.

Creating a blank presentation in Google Slides
Creating a blank presentation

  • Click File → Open. Select the .pptx file from your Google Drive account or your computer. For the latter, click the Upload tab first.

Opening a .pptx file in Google Slides
Opening a .pptx file

  • The presentation will be opened as a Google Slides presentation, not as a .pptx file.

Importing Slides from PowerPoint into Google Slides

  • Google Slides allows you to load specific slides from a different Google Slides presentation or from a PowerPoint presentation.
  • To do this, open the presentation where you want to import slides into.
  • Click File → Import slides.

Import slides option in Google Slides
Import slides option

  • A new window will open, where you’ll be able to see all the presentations available in your Google Drive account. If you want to import them from a presentation stored in your computer, click the Upload tab first.

List of presentations stored in Google Drive
List of presentations stored in Google Drive

  • Choose the presentation that contains the slides you want to import and click Select.

Uploading a presentation
Uploading a presentation

  • Select the slides you want to import. Check “Keep original theme” if you want to keep the theme of their original presentation, or uncheck it if you want them to be automatically adapted to your current presentation.

Selecting the slides to import into a Google Slides presentation
Selecting the slides to import

Importing Other File Formats into Google Slides

Perhaps you’ve used other presentation programs, such as OpenOffice Impress or Keynote. From the 2007 version on, PowerPoint is compatible with OpenOffice (.odp) files.
  • If you have an OpenOffice Impress presentation, you’ll need to convert it from .odp format into a PowerPoint file, first. To do so, click File → Save As. Select Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP. Then you just need to follow the instructions previously found in this tutorial.

Saving as a .pptx file in OpenOffice Impress
Saving as a .pptx file in OpenOffice Impress

  • If you have a Keynote presentation, you must save it as a PowerPoint file. To do so, click File → Export To → PowerPoint. Then follow the instructions previously found in this tutorial.

Exporting as a PowerPoint file in Keynote
Exporting as a PowerPoint file in Keynote

How to Convert Presentations from Google Slides to PowerPoint

PowerPoint y Google Slides are currently the most popular presentation software. Some people will prefer one to the other, and PowerPoint has been around for a longer time, but both programs have found a way to be compatible with each other’s files. In this new Slidesgo School tutorial, you’ll learn how to convert your Google Slides presentation into a PowerPoint presentation.
  1. How to Export a Google Slides Presentation to PowerPoint — From Google Slides
  2. How to Export a Google Slides Presentation to PowerPoint — From Google Drive
  3. How to Adjust Your Google Slides Presentation in PowerPoint

How to Export a Google Slides Presentation to PowerPoint — From Google Slides

  • Open your presentation in Google Slides.
  • Click File → Download → Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx).

Downloading a Google Slides presentation as a .pptx file
Downloading the presentation as a .pptx file

  • A copy of your Google Slides presentation will be saved as a .pptx file (PowerPoint file format).

Converted presentation
Converted presentation

How to Export a Google Slides Presentation to PowerPoint — From Google Drive

  • Access your Google Drive.
  • Select the presentation you want to download.

Selecting a presentation in Google Drive
Selecting a presentation

  • Right-click → Download.

Downloading a presentation from Google Drive
Downloading a presentation

  • A copy of your Google Slides presentation will be saved as a .pptx file (PowerPoint file format).

How to Adjust Your Google Slides Presentation in PowerPoint

  • Most likely, the font used in your Google Slides presentation won’t be installed in your PC. All Google Slides presentations use fonts from Google Fonts. As for our templates, you’ll find URLs to each font that we’ve used. For more information, please refer to the “How to Change, Embed or Add Fonts in PowerPoint” tutorial.

Fonts from Google Fonts
Fonts from Google Fonts

  • The color of the hyperlinks present in your Google Slides presentation could revert to PowerPoint’s default blue if that color wasn’t set in the master slides. For more information, please refer to the “How to Add or Change Themes in Google Slides” tutorial.

Setting the colors of hyperlinks in PowerPoint
Setting the colors of hyperlinks

  • If any picture or image was rotated in your Google Slides presentation, it will go back to its original position in PowerPoint, so you’ll need to re-adjust it.

Readjusting images after conversion in PowerPoint
Readjusting images after conversion


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